Trees in the yard are good for the value of a property; they add a natural element that can significantly improve its aesthetic appeal. The shade provided by trees shields the home from the direct rays of the sun and reduces its energy bills.
Trees improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and dangerous gases from the atmosphere. Their root networks intercept water runoff, which helps to reduce the possibility of flash floods and soil erosion.
But trees can also be a problem if they are not well looked-after. Uncontrolled tree growth will impair the value of a property, rather than improve it, warns Remax Infinity Management, and overhanging branches can damage the property and injure people if they fall.
Tree roots also serve as a source of possible damage to underground sewer lines and water pipes. If left unmanaged in the way they grow, trees will become overcrowded and create conditions conducive to pest infestation.
Trees are an essential component of any home’s landscaping. But all the value they provide can be lost if property owners do not pay proper attention to the trees in their yard. And the best way for homeowners to get the most from their trees is through a tree removal service.
What is a tree removal service?
A tree removal service is a specialist who knows how to cut-down trees or tree branches and professionally remove tree stumps. They have the necessary know-how to remove trees in a way that does not harm the home where the tree is or adjoining properties.
The service of a tree removal service becomes necessary when:
- A dead and decrepit tree needs to be removed
- There is the possibility of tree damage in the event of storms or strong wind
- There is a danger of structural damage to the property from tree roots
- There are too many trees in the yard and it affects the curb appeal of the home
- When a home has solar panels and the tree’s shedding prevents their proper function
- When there is a possibility of pest infestation or a need to control ongoing infestation
- When the tree poses a lightning risk
- Or the tree has to make room for development.
If a tree has to be removed for any of these or other reasons, it is always best to get a tree removal service to undertake the task. Here is why.
It saves time and money
Removing even a mid-sized tree takes time. The tree has to be removed in a way that does not damage the home, neighboring homes or nearby trees. This often requires that it be cut-down one branch at a time. Additionally, the tree stump has to be dug out of the ground.
Doing all these takes time and requires special equipment. By hiring a tree removal service, homeowners save themselves the unnecessary expense of buying tree-removing equipment. They also reserve their time for more profitable activities.
They protect the property
Tree roots can wind their way around a home’s foundation, driveways and plumbing. Leaning trees can also collapse and damage the house or even kill its occupants. When such threats are present in a property, removing the tree is the best way to solve the problem.
And a tree removal service is best-equipped to undertake the task. Hiring a tree removal service to periodically inspect the trees around a property is the best way to protect the home from tree damage.
Helps prevent injuries
Injuries commonly occur when homeowners hire amateurs to remove a tree or attempt to do it themselves. There is always a chance of tree branches falling on someone and risk of injury from pointed parts of the tree.
Injuries also happen from improper use of tree-cutting equipment. Tree removal services have professionals who are skilled and highly-experienced at removing trees. They know how to remove the plants without putting lives and property at risk. But even when injuries occur, these companies have the proper legal and insurance cover to avoid liability.
Complete tree removal
Property owners will often be able to remove parts of a tree, but there will be other parts that are beyond their reach. Moreover, they can risk causing damage to their property if they persist in removing tree roots that lie close to the home’s structures.
Tree removal services, on the other hand, know how to safely extract parts of a tree from the around the home’s foundations. They know how to work around different types of obstacles to get at every part of a tree and remove it totally.
They are well-equipped for the job
Tree removal services have the right equipment and proper skills to remove trees safely and efficiently. They have the necessary training to deal with any problems that occur in the process of removing a tree. And they will put the full weight of their expertise at homeowner’s disposal to save their time and money, while also protecting their property.