5 Landscaping Ideas for a Boring Back Yard
Whether you’re a home owner trying to increase the value of your home, someone who likes to relax in your free time, or a socialite who enjoys hosting parties or get-togethers with your closest friends, sprucing up your boring back yard is a good place to invest some time and money. The following are some tips for improving the back-yard look of your home.
The Entrance
The entryway to your back yard can help set the tone that you are trying to achieve. Properly done, it can give guests the impression that they are entering into a whole new area, not simply going out back. Getting this impression isn’t very complicated either. One way to achieve this effect is to use some latticework or a pair of large potted plants.
Another way to help set the back yard apart is to incorporate some kind of trail leading to the back. This can be as simple as using some wood chips or gravel, or as complex as installing some elegant brickwork. The choices are only limited by your budget and your imagination.
Fire Pit
Whether you want to entertain guests, relax alone, or spend some time roasting marshmallows with your family, a fire pit is another great idea. With the sound of its crackling wood and mesmerizing flames, a fire makes the perfect focal point for your evening get-togethers. Fire pits come in a variety of different sizes and styles, and can be either portable or permanently installed.
Fish Pond
Whether you’re a wildlife lover or would simply like to increase the amount of serenity and relaxation that your back yard has to offer, a fish pond could be a great addition. These small, self-contained ecosystems can be stocked with a variety of colorful fish. Some benefits include providing a home for fish, frogs, butterflies and other wildlife, as well as lowering your yard’s mosquito population since the fish eat mosquito larvae – and that is a huge plus in areas like Palm Harbor, FL!
Yard Art
Yard art is another way to improve your yard’s look. Yard art can include things such as statues, fountains, or potted plants. If done tastefully, even a large rock placed in the right spot can provide some visual appeal, breaking up the monotony of a bland back yard.
Trees, hedges, and other plant life are hands-down the most important features in any yard. This is where you want to start when you begin renovating your back yard. Trees and hedges are the most dominant part of any outdoor space and provide both beauty and shade. However, they can either work for you or against you. When properly maintained, trees, shrubs and other plants in your yard make your outdoor space a perfect get-away. On the other hand, though, a tree that is overgrown or a dead or dying tree can have a detrimental effect on both the look and safety of your yard.
If you fall into the latter category, feel free to contact Warner Tree Service. The staff at Warner Tree Service are experts in tree trimming and tree removal and would be more than happy to assist customers in the Tampa and Palm Harbor, FL, areas. In addition to these landscaping services, they can also offer you some valuable advice on what your best options might be, depending on your situation.