Tips for Fertilizing New and Established Trees
Just like people, trees need food. They need lots of macro-nutrients and a sprinkling of micro-nutrients. Proper fertilization produces healthy, thriving trees whether they are young or mature. Young trees that receive adequate nutrition resist disease and insects as they grow. Adult trees grow faster and are stronger. When fertilized regularly, trees live longer and are healthier than their unfertilized counterparts.
Essential Macronutrients And Micro-nutrients For Tree Care
Macro-nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Micro-nutrients include iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, chlorine and molybdenum. Most micro-nutrients are provided by the soil, whereas a large portion of macro-nutriments are provided by fertilizer. Most fertilizers contain a proper balance of macro- and micronutrients for general tree care.
Must I Fertilize All My Trees?
Young and actively growing trees are most in need of fertilization. Fertilizer helps trees of all ages to resist disease, insects, and environmental challenges. If your trees are in their natural habitat, the soil will usually furnish sufficient nutrition. If your trees are from another habitat, they may require more fertilizer to help them adapt to a new environment.
When Should Trees Be Fertilized?
From fall until spring, plants draw food from the soil, so it’s a good time to fertilize. Rather than using this food to grow, trees use the extra nutrition to strengthen their roots and build resistance to disease. When spring arrives, fertilizer helps trees to resist infection, grow, and avoid mineral deficiencies. Off-color foliage usually indicates a need for fertilizer
How Do I Know If My Trees Are Getting What They Need?
If your yard is fertilized regularly for turf, your trees probably won’t need fertilizing. Using a soil test kit is the best way to determine nutritional deficiencies in the soil. Warner Tree Service is a full-service tree care company. Contact us at 727-478-2864 for any tree trimming, pruning, removal or with any questions you may have.