When Should I Fertilize and Trim Shrubs and Trees?
Trimming, pruning and fertilizing are some of the most common tree and shrub care activities in residential activities, particularly in the Tampa Bay area. Many homeowners see trimming and pruning mostly as activities meant to maintain the aesthetic of their yards, but this is actually a good opportunity to get up close to plants, look for pests, and assess the overall health of the vegetation.
Fertilizing in Florida
With regard to fertilizing, the best time to do it is during the early growing season. From Central Florida down to the Keys, growing season is pretty much a year-round affair; however, the Tampa Bay region has a more clearly defined spring season, which is the ideal time to apply fertilizers.
The type, size and maturity of the shrubs will also determine their fertilizing schedule. For example, if you have dwarf shrubs that have fully matured, you may not want to fertilize them again. Some homeowners believe that extra applications of fertilizer might cause their plants to grow a few inches more; while this may be the case sometimes, it is actually better to plant larger shrubs instead.
Trimming and Pruning
Personal preference may dictate the trimming schedule of your shrubbery. If you would like to keep a geometric and manicured look, constant trimming may be required. If you want to keep trimming to a minimum, slow-growing shrubs are recommended along with a natural look, which can be accomplished by allowing the plants to grow in bounds and only trimming occasionally.
It is more important to trim and prune for the purpose of safety and to maintain an ecosystem. For example, when shrubs are crossing over to the property next door, or when they are blocking a path, or when they are diseased, then they should be immediately trimmed. Landscapers always inspect before and while they are trimming, and thus they will notify you if they notice nests, signs of wildlife, pests, fungus, etc.
Want to learn more about tending to the trees and shrubbery in your garden or patio? Visit Warner Tree Service or give us a call at 727-478-2864.